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How Will the Application of AI and AI Tools Impact the SEO Space?

StartUp Growth Guide Staff

StartUp Growth Guide Staff

AI tools

For some people, AI represents everything wrong in the world. For others, it’s the best thing after sliced bread. When it comes to SEO, though, what are the facts?

In a global study of 2,600 businesses, the key findings showed that:

  • 68% of businesses increased their content marketing ROI due to AI.
  • 67% use AI to improve the quality of their content.
  • 37% of companies that don’t leverage AI lack an understanding of its functionality.


What does this tell you as a business leader? It shows that AI is here to stay, and you need to get on board to discover how new technologies are changing the game. In the case of AI, a lot has already been achieved, and even more is yet to be achieved.

Dive in to find out what’s changing about how SEO works due to AI and how you can be on top of the changes.

AI is Already Impacting the SEO Space

While ChatGPT makes it seem AI is something new, that sentiment is not true at all. AI has always been around us, even in apparent ways.

In SEO, search engines have long been powered by natural language processing (NLP) technologies to better understand the context and intent behind search queries and pull up relevant results in fractions of seconds. Such is the idea behind Google Search’s BERT AI algorithm, for instance.

More recent developments in the Generative AI space have fuelled further innovations to bring tailored information to users rather than a list of over-optimized links that may not answer users’ questions.

For instance, Google recently introduced the Search Generative Experience, while Microsoft Bing’s Copilot has expanded across a wide selection of Windows tools.

The point here is that AI in SEO is no longer a matter of the future. AI impacts both the past and the present of SEO, and this is a trend that will continue.

How it will continue, though, is not mainly a matter of certainty, and that’s an area this article discusses.

AI and the Future of SEO

These days, the question of how AI and AI tools will impact the SEO space is a result of the latest rapid advancement being recorded in generative AI, beginning notably with the launch of ChatGPT in 2022.

1. Crawling, Indexing, and Ranking

Traditionally, search algorithms rank websites via keyword matching. However, it quickly became evident that it could not work due to abuse by webmasters who were concerned with gaming the system rather than providing helpful content. 

This involved the use of crawlers operating on predefined rules and heuristics. However, nearly 30 years after Google Search was first launched, AI has significantly optimized the crawling process through adaptive learning, content understanding, semantic indexing, entity recognition, user intent, and even behavior data analysis.

As time passes, AI will continue to refine personalization, leveraging more granular data to provide even more tailored search results.

2. Personalized Search Results

Internet search is all about user intent. It has always been about user intent, but it took long before search engine creators nailed it down. From then on, delivering personalized search results has been a priority. And personalization is further amplified by advanced machine learning capabilities.

By analyzing user behavior patterns and preferences, search engines can proactively suggest related queries, products, or content that the user may find interesting or valuable, enhancing the overall search experience.

This, though, raises significant concerns regarding privacy and data ethics, and that’s one area search engines must strive to navigate responsibly in the coming years.

3. AI-Powered Keyword Research

AI has changed a lot for webmasters and SEO professionals. Traditional keyword research involved identifying popular search terms and phrases users typed into search engines.

However, AI-powered tools can now delve deeper, understanding the context and intent behind these searches. And this evolution is crucial in an era where search engines prioritize user experience and relevancy over keyword density. 

For instance, given a query such as “best running shoes,” AI can discern that related terms like “top-rated jogging footwear” or “most comfortable sneakers for running” might also be relevant.

4. Predictive Analytics

Still on AI-powered keyword research tools, they are adept at evaluating the performance of keywords across different contexts. This allows SEO professionals to identify emerging keywords before they become competitive, thus staying ahead of the curve.


Also, AI is revolutionizing on-page optimization by analyzing website performance data, for instance, predicting how layout, design, or structure changes will affect user experience and search rankings.

All of these are crucial for monitoring and adjusting SEO strategies in real-time. After all, SEO is not a set-and-forget task; it requires continuous monitoring and adaptation.

5. AI Content Generation

While some may envision AI completely replacing human writers, the reality is far more nuanced. AI acts as an influential collaborator, augmenting the content creation process and empowering businesses to craft content that ranks higher in search results.

It can act as a powerful research assistant, helping to brainstorm ideas and outline content. More so, it’s easy to use AI to generate relevant, enticing, and informative meta titles and descriptions, saving a lot of time.

AI is also helpful in content editing and enhancement, providing insights on readability, grammar, style, clarity, accessibility, etc. AI design tools can also be used to generate images, GIFs, animations, and videos to complement written content.

How to Prepare for an AI-Powered SEO Future


  • Set Dynamic Business Goals: Your SEO goals should align with your business objectives. So, for instance, instead of relying only on keyword rankings and traffic, focus on success metrics such as conversions, leads, or brand awareness.
  • Continuously Learn and Adapt: Cultivate a culture of continuous learning within your team and encourage the exploration of new AI tools and techniques.
  • Train Employees and Leaders: Train dedicated team members on specific AI SEO tools to maximize their effectiveness. Also, executives and managers must understand AI’s impact on SEO and its role in achieving business goals.
  • Develop and Enforce Guidelines: Set clear standards for content quality when using AI tools to ensure you share accurate, reliable content.
  • Be Aware of AI Ethics: There is a lot of concern about AI ethics now. You want to be sure that your AI SEO practices comply with data privacy regulations and that you are mindful of potential biases in AI algorithms.

Improve Your SEO by Harnessing the Potential of AI

As AI evolves, those who harness its potential will undoubtedly be in charge of the ever-competitive SEO landscape. Want to learn more about all that is changing in the business world and how you can take charge as a leader? StartUp Growth Guide provides all the insights and resources you need.

Photo by Monstera Production on Pexels

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