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Key Ways to Make Money Online as a Motion Designer

Riya Gupta

Riya Gupta

Ways to make money online

The digital era has opened up vast opportunities and new ways to make money online for creative professionals, and motion designers are no exception.

According to Research and Markets, the global animation and visual effects market is expected to reach $531.24 billion by 2028 from $369.01 billion in 2021. Motion designers have never had a better time to monetize their skills online.


Whether you’re looking to supplement your income or transition to a full-time freelance career as a motion designer, there are many ways to make money online and live decently.

This guide will provide actionable strategies and insights to help you navigate the digital marketplace, build your brand, and maximize your earning potential.

From freelancing on popular platforms to selling digital products, we’ll cover everything you need to know to turn your motion design skills into a profitable online business.

1. Building a Strong Portfolio

One of the best ways to improve your chances of success is to establish a solid portfolio that demonstrates your ability to do your job efficiently. This attracts clients, making you unique from others.

The foundation of any strong portfolio is quality work samples. These should showcase a variety of projects, demonstrating your versatility in different styles and your ability to solve problems in different formats.

However, avoid including only infomercials or the same type of work. Instead, showcase different projects (3-5 examples) such as short animations, explainer videos, and branded content. Every project should showcase your technical skills and individual creativity, offering a broad look at what you can do for potential clients.

The platform on which your portfolio is hosted will determine how visible or accessible your portfolio will be.

Some of the best platforms are:

  • Behance: The universal platform for creative professionals at Behance allows you to showcase your past projects and connect with future employers.
  • Dribbble: It is a website where you can submit your work to show your design projects and seek feedback from other designers.
  • Vimeo: Best for motion designers, it uploads high-quality videos and allows you to share them more effortlessly.

These platforms allow you to host and showcase your work in front of their audience, making them an essential part of your journey of making money online as a motion designer.

Showcasing Personal Projects

Include your personal and experimental projects in your portfolio; it will showcase your enthusiasm, creative skills, and eagerness to try out new ideas.

Personal projects can even bring a change for clients who want to create something distinctive and fresh. They allow you to demonstrate skills that might not be evident in client work, such as storytelling, character design, or advanced animation techniques.

2. Freelancing Platforms

Freelancing is the major way to make money online as a motion designer hence, freelance platforms are a gold mine — they help you get your first gig, gain exposure, and connect with industry professionals.

Let’s explore some popular freelancing platforms, bidding tips, and how you can make a standout profile.


Upwork is an amazing platform with many potential opportunities especially if you are looking to work on short-term or long-term projects, specifically with international clients. If you have a solid portfolio to show off, you can use the platform to get hired for what makes you special.


If you like to provide specific services at flat rates, then Fiverr is the way to go. Once you are set up to offer motion design services, you can create gigs that share the types of work you want to do (e.g.: animations, explainer videos, motion graphics), so that clients can hire you based on their specific needs.


This is another great platform where you can bid on varied projects. It’s a competitive space so you need to be strategic on the kinds of gigs you bid on.

Creating a Standout Profile

Here are some tips to make your profile serve a good first impression:

  • Captivating Bio: Write about your love for motion design with details of your experience and skill set. Explain what you do and what makes you unique.

Example:  “Hi, I’m Jane, a motion designer with over five years of experience in creating interesting animations and motion graphics. I specialize in bringing stories to life through dynamic visuals.”

  • List of Skills: Mention your skills very clearly by using keywords clients might search for (eg.: 2D animation, motion graphics, After Effects, explainer videos).
  • Portfolio Samples: Your work will speak for itself, and the way to showcase it is by including the most diverse projects that display your abilities. Having a great portfolio makes you stand out from others.

Bidding Strategies

To effectively bid on projects and attract clients, follow these steps:

  • Read the Project Description Carefully: Read the client’s needs and adjust your proposal accordingly.
  • Custom Proposals: No generic bids; give reasons why your skills and past experiences make you the right person for their project. Also, refer to similar projects you have worked on in the past.

E.g.: “I recently did an explainer video for XYZ tech startup using various visual styles to make the story come to life. I would love to make your project stand out just as much.”

  • Pricing: Find out what others are charging for similar work and adjust your rates accordingly to remain competitive. Especially in the beginning, be competitive with your prices. As you gain more experience and positive reviews, you can gradually increase your rates.
  • Effective Communication: Actively respond to client requests, answer any questions they may have, and be clear about your process and timeline.

Networking and Building Relationships

Networking and relationship-building are important to build a successful motion design career. Social media, online communities, networking, and connecting with fellow creatives can lead you to new jobs and clients.

3. Offering Online Courses and Tutorials

Firstly, you need to create high-quality educational content.

Start by identifying the topics you’re passionate about and what others want to learn. Think about the common questions you get from clients or peers.

Once you have your topics, break them down into manageable lessons.

When designing your course, ensure your content is structured logically. Start with the basics and gradually move to more advanced topics. Use a mix of videos, slides, and written materials to cater to different learning styles.

Don’t forget to include practical examples and hands-on projects that students can follow along with. This makes learning more engaging and reinforces the concepts you’re teaching.

Hosting Your Courses

Now that you’ve created your content, it’s time to choose a platform to host your courses. There are several excellent options available:

  • Udemy: A popular platform with a massive user base. It is great for reaching a wide audience and comes with built-in marketing tools.
  • Skillshare: This is perfect for creatives; it allows you to offer classes on a subscription basis, giving you ongoing revenue.
  • YouTube: If you prefer a more open platform, YouTube is fantastic for building a community around your tutorials. You can monetize your videos through ads, sponsorships, and channel memberships.

Marketing Your Courses

Creating a fantastic course is just the beginning. To make money online, you need to get the word out.

Start by leveraging your existing network. Share your courses on your social media profiles and don’t be shy to ask friends and colleagues to spread the word.

Next, tap into content marketing. Write blog posts related to your course topics and include links to your courses.

Create short teaser videos or snippets from your courses and share them on social media platforms. This drives traffic and showcases your expertise.

Email marketing is another powerful tool. If you have a mailing list, send out newsletters announcing your new courses. Offer exclusive discounts to your subscribers to incentivize them to enroll.

Finally, consider running paid ads. Platforms like Facebook and Google Ads allow you to target specific audiences who are likely interested in your courses. Even a small budget can significantly boost your reach and enrollment numbers.

4. Passive Income Streams

Creating and selling motion design templates and assets is a fantastic way to generate passive income. Platforms like Envato Market are perfect for this.

Design high-quality templates that other designers or businesses can use for their projects.

These could be anything from animated logo reveals to complex infographics. Once uploaded, your work can continue to sell over time, providing you with a steady stream of income.

Another great option is to contribute to stock footage websites like Shutterstock and Pond5. You can upload animations, background loops, and other motion graphics that others might need for their video projects.

Each download or purchase earns you money, and since these platforms have a wide reach, your chances of making sales increase significantly. The key is to consistently upload new and high-quality content.

Don’t limit yourself to digital assets alone. Print-on-demand platforms like Redbubble and Teespring allow you to design merchandise such as t-shirts, mugs, and phone cases.

Create unique designs that appeal to a broad audience or niche markets. The platforms handle production, shipping, and customer service, leaving you free to focus on creating more designs. This is a fun and creative way to diversify your income.

5. Direct Client Projects

One of the best ways to make money online as a motion designer is to find direct clients who need your services.

Start by identifying businesses and individuals who could benefit from your motion design skills.

Then, craft a personalized pitch highlighting your expertise and how your work can add value to their business.

Be concise and clear, showcasing your best work and explaining how it meets their needs. Remember, a well-thought-out pitch can make all the difference.

Once you land a client, it’s essential to build and maintain a strong relationship. Communicate regularly and clearly, keeping your client updated on the progress of their project. Be open to feedback and make adjustments as needed.

Show genuine interest in their business and suggest new ideas that could help them succeed. By consistently delivering high-quality work and being reliable, you’ll build trust and ensure they come back to you for more projects.

Setting your rates can be tricky, but it’s crucial to get it right. Research what other motion designers charge and consider your experience and the complexity of the project. Be confident in your pricing, but also be open to negotiation.

Clearly outline what’s included in your rate to avoid misunderstandings. When negotiating, aim for a win-win situation where both parties feel satisfied with the agreement.

Continuous Learning and Improvement

Motion design is a constantly evolving field and staying updated with the latest trends and technologies is crucial. Follow industry blogs, subscribe to newsletters, and join online communities where you can learn about new tools, techniques, and styles.

Platforms like Motionographer and Designmodo are great places to start.

Keeping your skills current will make you more attractive to potential clients and help you stand out in a competitive market.

Never underestimate the power of further education. Take advanced courses and attend workshops to deepen your expertise. Websites like Udemy, Skillshare, and Coursera offer a plethora of courses on motion design and related fields.

Attending online and offline workshops can provide hands-on experience and networking opportunities.

Client feedback is a goldmine for improvement. Don’t just complete a project and move on; take the time to ask for detailed feedback from your clients. Understand what they liked and what could be improved upon.

Use this feedback to iterate on your skills and services. The more you refine your work based on real-world input, the better you’ll become. This continuous loop of feedback and iteration is key to long-term success.

Turn Your Passion into Profit

Making money online as a motion designer is achievable with the right approach. You can significantly boost your income by building a strong portfolio, leveraging freelancing platforms, networking effectively, offering online courses, creating passive income streams, working directly with clients, and continually putting yourself out there.

Remember, staying updated with trends, investing in further education, and using client feedback to improve your skills are crucial steps in your journey.

Embrace continuous learning and always strive to improve.

Now that you have a comprehensive guide on ways to make money online, take action and start implementing these strategies. Keep pushing forward and you’ll see the rewards in no time.

Featured Image by pch.vector on Freepik

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