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How to Make Money Online: The Ultimate Guide for Product Designers

Eli Cohen

Eli Cohen

How to make money online

Whether you’re looking to supplement your income or build a full-fledged online business, understanding how to make money online is essential because as a product designer, you have unprecedented opportunities to monetize your skills and creativity.

As internet users continue to grow, surpassing 5.35 billion globally, more businesses and individuals are seeking high-quality digital design solutions​​. This shift offers product designers the chance to transform their creativity into profitable online ventures, whether through freelancing, selling digital products, or building an online brand.


This guide provides product designers with the strategies and tools needed to succeed in the online space; from building a strong online presence to exploring various income streams.

Understanding the Market

As a product designer, choosing a unique niche is key to distinguishing yourself in a competitive market. This niche should align with your specific skills and passions.

For example, are you excellent at crafting user-friendly mobile apps or do you excel in designing visually stunning web interfaces?

Focus on the projects that you are most passionate about and where you consistently deliver top-notch results.

Begin by exploring different niches within product design. Identify market gaps where your particular abilities can fulfill unmet needs.

Specializing in a niche not only positions you as an expert but also attracts clients seeking your specific expertise.

To effectively leverage opportunities in your niche to make money online as a product designer, assess the market demand and the competitive landscape.

Use online platforms like job boards, freelance sites, and industry forums to gauge which projects are sought after and to spot trends.

Also, take time to evaluate your competition. Understand what other product designers in your niche offer and how they promote their services. Learn from their successes and shortcomings to better define your unique value proposition. This strategic approach will help you stand out and capture more opportunities.

Building Your Online Presence

It’s important to pay attention to your online presence if you want to make money online as a product designer

Here’s how you can establish an effective online presence:

Creating a Professional Portfolio

  • Showcase Your Best Work

Your portfolio determines the first impression your potential clients will have about you and your skills.

Highlight the projects that best demonstrate your expertise and creativity. Quality over quantity is key; select pieces that reflect your unique style and technical abilities.

Include detailed descriptions of each project, explaining your role, the challenges faced, and the solutions you implemented.

  • Highlight Your Diverse Skills

A diverse portfolio shows your versatility as a designer. Include a variety of projects that showcase different aspects of your skills, such as UI/UX design, graphic design, and product development. This not only highlights your adaptability but also increases your appeal to a broader range of clients.

Setting Up a Personal Website

  • Choose the Right Platform

Choosing the right platform for your website is crucial. Platforms like WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace offer user-friendly interfaces and customizable templates.

Consider factors like ease of use, design flexibility, and cost when selecting a platform.

Your website should be easy to navigate and visually appealing, reflecting your professional brand.

  • Essential Website Features

Your website should include several essential features to effectively showcase your work and attract clients. These features include:

  • Homepage: A welcoming page with a brief introduction and highlights of your work.
  • Portfolio: A dedicated section displaying your best projects with detailed descriptions and high-quality images.
  • About Page: Information about your background, experience, and design philosophy.
  • Contact Information: An easy-to-find contact form or email address for potential clients to reach you.
  • Blog (optional): A blog can be a great way to share insights, updates, and case studies, demonstrating your expertise and thought leadership in the field.

Leveraging Social Media

As a product designer, social media is crucial to establish your brand, display your work, and network with potential clients and collaborators. Here’s how to make money online by effectively using social media.

Choose the Right Platforms

Selecting the appropriate social media platforms is crucial. Instagram, LinkedIn, and Behance are particularly effective for product designers:

  • Instagram: Ideal for visual storytelling. Instagram allows you to share high-quality images and videos of your designs. Use it to highlight your projects, behind-the-scenes processes, and design inspiration.
  • LinkedIn: A professional networking platform, LinkedIn helps you connect with industry leaders, potential clients, and peers. It’s perfect for sharing your professional achievements and engaging in industry-specific discussions.
  • Behance: This platform is dedicated to creative professionals. Behance enables you to create detailed project portfolios that can attract attention from top design agencies and companies.

Build a Strong Social Media Profile

Your social media profile is often the first impression you make. To build a strong profile:

  • Profile Picture and Bio: Use a professional photo and write a concise, engaging bio that clearly states who you are and what you do. Include relevant keywords to improve discoverability.
  • Consistent Branding: Maintain consistency in your visual style and messaging across all platforms. This helps in creating a recognizable personal brand.
  • Portfolio Highlights: Regularly update your profile with your best work. Highlight different aspects of your skills and projects to demonstrate your versatility and expertise.

Engage With Your Audience

Engagement is key to building a loyal following and expanding your reach. Here’s how to do it effectively:

  • Post Regularly: Consistent posting keeps your audience engaged and informed about your latest work. Aim for a mix of content, including project updates, design tips, and personal insights.
  • Interactive Content: Use stories, polls, and Q&A sessions to interact directly with your audience. This not only increases engagement but also provides valuable feedback.
  • Respond to Comments: Take the time to respond to comments and messages. This shows that you value your audience’s input and are approachable.

Network With Other Professionals

Social media isn’t just about showcasing your work; it’s also a powerful networking tool. Do these:

  • Connect with Peers: Follow and engage with other designers and industry professionals. Comment on their posts, share their work, and participate in discussions to build relationships.
  • Join Groups and Communities: Participate in relevant groups and online communities. This can provide opportunities for collaboration, learning, and exposure.
  • Attend Virtual Events: Many platforms host webinars, live streams, and virtual meetups. Attend these events to stay updated with industry trends and connect with other professionals.

Monetizing Your Product Design Skills

The monetization options you choose and how you optimize them determine how much money you can make online. Below are the popular options:

Freelancing Platforms

  • Upwork


Upwork is a popular platform for freelancers across various industries. As a product designer, you can create a profile showcasing your portfolio and skills. Upwork allows you to bid on projects that match your expertise, helping you connect with clients worldwide. To succeed, ensure your profile is detailed and your proposals are tailored to each job.

  • Fiverr


Fiverr operates differently by allowing freelancers to create “gigs” or services that clients can purchase. As a product designer, you can offer specific services like UI/UX design or product mockups. Fiverr is great for building a client base quickly, as it attracts a wide range of buyers looking for affordable and high-quality work.

  • Toptal


Toptal is a more exclusive platform that connects top freelancers with clients who need high-quality work. The application process is rigorous, but once accepted, you’ll have access to premium projects. Toptal is ideal for you if you’re an experienced designer seeking high-paying and challenging assignments.



Similar to Upwork, allows you to bid on projects and find clients across various industries. The platform offers a wide range of project types, making it suitable for freelancers with diverse skill sets.

Selling Digital Products

  • Templates and Design Assets: One way to generate passive income is by creating and selling design templates and assets. Websites like Creative Market and Envato allow you to upload your creations for sale. Designers often seek ready-made templates for websites, presentations, and social media, making this a lucrative market.
  • Online Courses and Tutorials: If you enjoy teaching, consider creating online courses or tutorials. Platforms like Udemy and Skillshare let you share your knowledge with a global audience. You can create courses on various topics, from basic design principles to advanced product design techniques. This not only helps others but also establishes you as an expert in your field.

Strategies for Creating a Winning Product

  • Identify a Problem to Solve: The first step in creating a product is identifying a problem that needs solving. Conduct market research to understand the pain points of your target audience. This ensures your product addresses a real need and has a higher chance of success.
  • Marketing and Sales Strategies: Effective marketing is crucial for your product’s success. Utilize social media, email marketing, and SEO to reach your target audience. Create a compelling brand story and showcase customer testimonials to build trust. Consider selling your product on platforms like Etsy, Amazon, or your e-commerce site.

Building Passive Income Streams

Understanding how to make money online as a product designer can significantly enhance your financial stability. Building passive income streams is an excellent strategy for achieving this.

Below, we explore two effective methods: licensing your designs and affiliate marketing.

License Your Designs

  • Stock Websites

Stock websites like Shutterstock and Adobe Stock offer a fantastic platform for you to earn passively as a freelancer. By uploading your designs to these sites, you allow users to purchase licenses for your work.

Each time someone downloads your design, you earn a commission. This approach lets your creativity work for you around the clock, providing a steady stream of income with minimal ongoing effort.

  • Print-on-Demand Services

Print-on-demand services such as Redbubble and Society6 are another excellent avenue for generating passive income. These platforms allow you to upload your designs, which can then be printed on various products like t-shirts, mugs, and phone cases.

Whenever someone purchases a product featuring your design, you earn a royalty. This method eliminates the need for inventory management, as the service handles production and shipping, leaving you free to focus on creating new designs.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing involves partnering with brands that align with your niche and audience. By promoting these brands’ products through your website, blog, or social media channels, you can earn a commission on sales generated through your referral links.

It’s essential to choose brands that resonate with your audience to ensure authenticity and increase the likelihood of conversions.

To maximize your affiliate marketing efforts, create valuable content that highlights the benefits of the products you are promoting. This could be in the form of blog posts, reviews, tutorials, or social media posts.

By providing genuine insights and demonstrating how the products solve specific problems, you can build trust with your audience and drive more sales through your affiliate links.

Continuously Improve Your Product Design Skills

Continuous learning and improvement, taking online courses and certifications, and staying updated with industry trends are essential steps in your journey to success.  The design industry is always changing, with new tools, techniques, and trends emerging regularly. To stay ahead, you need to be proactive in learning and improving your skills.

This can be done through various methods, such as reading design blogs, participating in webinars, attending workshops, and joining professional communities. By consistently seeking knowledge and refining your craft, you position yourself as an expert in your field, which can open up more opportunities for you to money online as a product designer.

Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning offer courses tailored to product designers.

These courses cover everything from basic design principles to advanced UX/UI design techniques, prototyping, and user research.

Obtaining certifications can also boost your credibility. Many organizations offer certifications that are recognized globally, such as the Interaction Design Foundation or the Nielsen Norman Group.

Follow leading design influencers on social media, subscribe to design newsletters, and regularly check popular design websites like Dribbble, Behance, and Awwwards.

Financial Management

As you improve your skills and start to make money online as a product designer, good financial management is important to maximize your profitability and sustain long-term success.

Begin by tracking all your earnings from various online sources, such as freelance projects, digital product sales, and affiliate marketing. Use accounting software like QuickBooks or FreshBooks to organize your financial data. Create a budget to forecast your monthly expenses, including software subscriptions, marketing costs, and professional development.

Additionally, set aside funds for marketing efforts, such as website development, social media advertising, and content creation. These investments will help you attract more clients and expand your online presence, ultimately boosting your ability to make money online as a product designer.

Set Your Product Design Career on the Path to Success

To make money online as a product designer, you need to identify your niche, build a strong online presence, leverage social media, monetize your skills, and manage your finances effectively.

By continuously enhancing your skills and investing in the right tools and resources, you can create a sustainable and profitable online business. Remember, success in the digital marketplace requires dedication, adaptability, and strategic planning.

Featured Image by pressfoto on Freepik

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