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6 Ways to Realign Your Marketing Strategy to the Consumer Needs of 2024

StartUp Growth Guide Staff

StartUp Growth Guide Staff

Marketing strategy

Consumer needs and preferences are rapidly evolving. You must realign your marketing strategy to cater to these changing demands to stay competitive.

According to a recent global survey by HubSpot, 59% of marketers say their marketing budget and ROI are being scrutinized more than ever.

This underscores the importance of optimizing marketing strategies to maximize efficiency and effectiveness.


One of the key trends in 2024 is that consumers are more discerning than ever. Hence, creating a well-defined brand identity that highlights a clear, unique value proposition is crucial for success. That is what marketing is all about, after all. 

To help businesses navigate this evolving landscape, this article will explore proven strategies for realigning marketing efforts with the consumer needs of 2024. By leveraging data-driven insights and best practices, you can adapt your marketing approaches to thrive in the years ahead.

1. Take Advantage of AI Tools

If you are reading this, then there is no doubt that you know about the ongoing AI revolution. In 2024, it is stronger than ever and its strength does not appear to be waning across all industries, including marketing.

According to a survey by Kaltura, 52% of marketers have already fully integrated AI into their toolbox, while another 36% are experimenting with it.

Even before the current revolution, marketers have, for years, been using AI tools to analyze vast amounts of data for audience targeting and personalization.

Usually, the AI component is integrated into conventional tools and marketing strategy. Then marketers use the insights they get to create hyper-personalized marketing campaigns and monitor their engagement and conversion rates.

However, AI is becoming a product rather than a feature with the rise of intelligent tools that transform content creation and optimization.

You can use popular generative AI chatbots like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude to generate written and visual content. But there are now specialized AI writing tools for achieving this more efficiently, such as Jasper,, Rytr, etc.

2. Employ Ethical Marketing

Over the years, consumers have become increasingly aware of ethical issues such as data privacy, transparency, authentic messaging, intrusive ads, sustainability, etc. As such, they are beginning to demand greater transparency and authenticity from the brands that serve them. 

Companies that prioritize data privacy and make their data collection practices clear are more likely to gain consumer trust. So, for instance, it is best to avoid an intrusive marketing strategy like aggressive pop-ups or spammy emails; these can easily damage your brand’s reputation and alienate potential customers.

This approach complies with evolving regulations and aligns with the ethical expectations of modern consumers who value their personal information’s security.

Additionally, consumers expect brands to deliver authentic, value-driven messages; they respond positively to brands communicating their values and demonstrating a commitment to social responsibility. 

This involves more than surface-level claims; it requires consistent actions reflecting your brand’s stated values.

You can foster deeper connections with your audience by engaging in honest storytelling and showcasing real-life impacts.

3. Explore Short-form Video Marketing

TikTok transmitted the fever of short-form video marketing some years ago and has not stopped since then, as many other platforms have followed suit.

Marketers who ignore this trend will leave too much money on the table. How?

According to the HubSpot 2024 State of Marketing report, short-form ranked #1 for ROI, and a significant number of marketers have planned to increase their short-form video investment.

Embracing the power of short-form video content across platforms is crucial as audiences increasingly favor quick, digestible, and visually engaging media.

Platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts have transformed how brands communicate, offering a dynamic way to capture attention and foster deeper connections with consumers.

By leveraging these platforms in your marketing strategy, you can deliver impactful messages in just a few seconds, aligning with the fast-paced lifestyles and short attention spans of modern audiences.

4. Pay Attention to Influencer Marketing

By the end of 2024, the influencer marketing industry will be worth a whopping $24 billion. The rise of social media ushered in a new marketing avenue in the form of mega and micro-influencers, and the trend keeps rising. According to a report, 85% of marketers consider influencer marketing effective, while 60% plan to increase their influencer marketing strategy this year.

Partnering with influencers allows you to reach new audiences that might otherwise be inaccessible through traditional marketing channels. These influencers, with their established follower bases, provide a direct line to potential customers who trust their opinions and recommendations. This trust is crucial as it can translate into higher engagement rates and, ultimately, increased sales. So, you don’t have to build an audience base from scratch. 

5. Prevent Consumer Marketing Fatigue

Following years of personalized and hyper-personalized marketing, many businesses have noticed a phenomenon now regarded as consumer marketing fatigue.

In simple terms, consumers are tired of the constant barrage of advertisements and promotional content.

It has made them become desensitized and increasingly unresponsive to widespread marketing efforts. This calls for a realignment in marketing strategy to meet consumer needs better.

According to a research report, even loyal consumers expressed a desire to receive fewer marketing messages, with 81% stating a willingness to unsubscribe from a brand when communication attempts are too frequent.

Importantly, marketers must learn to balance staying top-of-mind with respecting the customer’s boundaries.

Instead of increasing your communications frequency, offer something genuinely beneficial. This could include educational content, behind-the-scenes looks at the business, or interactive experiences that engage consumers on a deeper level.

For instance, a beauty brand might create tutorials on using their products effectively rather than just pushing sales messages.

In addition, continuously seek customer feedback to understand their evolving needs and preferences, and then use that information to shape your marketing strategy.

6. Maximize User-Generated Content

UGC encourages audience participation and content creation at its core, transforming passive consumers into engaged contributors.

By inviting users to share their experiences, ideas, and creativity, you can cultivate a dynamic dialogue that resonates deeply with your target audience.

This fosters a sense of ownership and empowers consumers to shape the narrative around your brand, effectively becoming co-creators of its identity.

In a survey of e-commerce marketers, most respondents (81%) agreed that visual UGC is more impactful than professionally shot media. They identified the most engaging UGC platforms as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, and X/Twitter, in that order.

As a marketer, you can’t afford to ignore UGC, a potent vehicle for showcasing authentic user experiences and testimonials in an era where transparency and authenticity reign supreme and consumers are increasingly drawn to peer-generated content over traditional marketing messages.

Feature real-life stories, reviews, and testimonials from actual users; this can help your brand build credibility and trust.

Stay Informed in 2024 and Beyond

The strategies outlined in this article provide a solid foundation for businesses looking to adapt their marketing approaches. After all, the marketing landscape is constantly shifting, and you must stay informed and agile in your approach. 

As a business leader, StartUp Growth Guide is your best bet for the latest data-backed business insights and best practices in marketing.

By following us and reading our blog regularly, you’ll receive regular updates on the most effective strategies for reaching and engaging your target audience in 2024 and beyond.

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